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Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate)

Pharmacy: Affordable RX

"Pharmacy Shark Patrol" Rating for Affordable RX -- No rating as of October 2012
Tablet Quantity Strength Tablet Price Notes

Pharmacy: Top Pills

"Pharmacy Shark Patrol" Rating for Top Pills -- customer service rating of 4 out of 5 stars
Tablet Quantity Strength Tablet Price Notes

Pharmacy: USonlineRX

"Pharmacy Shark Patrol" Rating for USonlineRX -- customer service rating of 4 out of 5 stars
Tablet Quantity Strength Tablet Price Notes

Pharmacy: KwikMed

"Pharmacy Shark Patrol" Rating for KwikMed -- No rating as of October 2012
Tablet Quantity Strength Tablet Price Notes

Drugs For Sexual Enhancement

There are three drugs competing for your dollars that address issues of male sexual performance enhancement. Go here to see a chart comparing the three drugs. In addition, some interesting alternatives are beginning to appear on the market including melt-under-your tongue slips, soft tablets, and others.

Prices for brand name Viagra® (Sildenafil Citrate) are mostly split in two categories: (1) pharmacies based in the USA who charge more but provide increased security about the product, important for some customers; (2) pharmacies based off-shore who charge much less, probably pay staff much less to keep costs down, but sell the same inventory as an American pharmacy. Look at the chart below and you'll quickly see which pharmacies are off-shore. Using our chart should steer you in the right direction to get the best deals and/or the best in peace of mind. If you're looking for generic Viagra, go here. You're in the right place if you desire FDA-approved Viagra at remarkably competitive pricing.

Prices, shipping terms and payment options do change, but this information was checked for accuracy prior to initial publicaton. While we do not vouch for the reliability of any online pharmacy, we can state that none listed here have been reported unreliable by fellow Cruisers. Check our online forum here for any news on this subject and the pharamacies that sell online. Make sure you consult with your physician before taking any new medication including Viagra.

About the Drug

Viagra was the first oral drug for erectile dysfunction when it was released, though it has since been joined by competing drugs, Levitra and Cialis. It works by dilating blood vessels in your dick, allowing the inflow of blood needed for an erection. Viagra does not substitute for arousal, though it does greatly enhance the hardness of the dick and the longevity of arousal. Taking Viagra approximately 1 hour before sexual activity works best for most men. Most men should take no more than a quarter to a half of a 100mg tablet. Do not take Viagra if you're also using nitrates including 'poppers'. Combining Levitra with Viagra could be dangerous.

To order from any of these pharmacies, click on the pharmacy name. They all use secure servers and encryption technology to guard your confidentiality.


For brand name Levitra and Cialis. For generic Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, and other alternatives.

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