Home > Features > The Gloryhole FAQ
by Lilfuzzyg [with revisions and updates by Your Cruisemaster]
Table of Contents
1.0 Definitions - What is a gloryhole?
3.0 What's the protocol at a gloryhole?
3.1 If you want to be the person who helps the other person cum:
3.2 If you want to be the person who cums:
3.3 If you want to take turns:
3.4 If you want to have anal sex:
3.5 If you want someone to follow you into a booth:
3.6 If you want to have sex with someone in a public bathroom stall:
5.0 So some talking DOES go on between persons using a gloryhole?
6.0 So two or more people CAN share a booth?
7.0 Will the person on the other side reciprocate after he cums?
11.0 What types of people use gloryholes?
12.0 What if I see somebody I know in one of these places?
13.0 OK, how do I find gloryholes?
14.0 How can I tell if a place tolerates this activity?
15.0 This all seems so cold and clinical?! How can this be any fun?
What is a gloryhole? |
A gloryhole is usually a small hole, at least fist-sized, placed in a fairly thin sheet of plywood or metal partition. The hole is placed about hip high for the average guy and is large enough to place a man's penis through to let the person on the other side perform whatever sexual activity he pleases on it. |
What is a Tearoom? |
Public toilet areas where this type of sexual activity happens are often called Tearooms. |
What is a Buddy booth? |
Buddy booths are video booths where a glass partition with dual curtains (or some other apparatus that blocks your view of the other booth) separates the two booths. There is a button on both sides that first raises and then lowers your (but not the other booth's) curtain. I have also seen an electronic version of this where both people need to press the button at the same time to electronically clear the window between them. I have also seen a buddy booth as simple as a door with latches that opens between the two booths. |
How does a buddy booth work? |
When both buttons are pressed by both people, both curtains rise and you can see each other. Some booths require both buttons to be pressed at the same time. Buddy booths were designed to allow people to see but not necessarily touch each other. Some businesses have modified the booths so that the glass does not go all the way down to the bottom of the curtain. This allows you to see and feel each other at the same time with the safety of a wall between you. |
What is a private video booth in an adult bookstore? |
Most (not all) adult bookstores have an area where you can put a token, a dollar bill or a quarter into a slot and have an adult video play for about 60 seconds on a TV screen in front of you. These booths are small enough (for example, 3' x 6') for one person to sit down and lock the door behind them. In some areas, these booths no longer have doors on them. Most places frown on having more than one person in a booth. Some however actually encourage it by advertising "couples booths". |
OK, what's a "couples booth"? |
A couples booth is a booth that is much larger than a normal booth. It may have a larger than normal seat or a bench. More importantly, it is a booth that the establishment will tolerate more than one person being in. |
But this adult bookstore only advertises straight videos, could they also have gloryholes or couples booths? |
Absolutely! In fact, for bisexual or married guys, this is a great deal! They can go into a place that they can have sex with another guy and not worry about someone see them go in and "blow their cover". |
Is there an equivalent place for women? |
Not that I know of! If you think about it, it would be a little tough. A gloryhole assumes you have something to stick through. |
Basically you get to cum or help someone else cum. Maybe both. Maybe just watch. A few people go there just to let someone else watch them cum. See the next section.
3.0 What's the protocol at a gloryhole?
I have seen little talking in public places where gloryholes are often found. It does happen but mostly stuff happens by sight and by a few standard protocols.
3.1 If you want to be the person who helps the other person cum:
- Go into a booth; close and lock the door, if possible.
- Drop some money in the video machine.
- Sit down if the establishment provides a place to sit.
- Expose your genitalia and get hard.
- Wait for someone to come into the booth next to you or check the person out in the next booth by looking through the gloryhole. Don't be shy about this, almost everybody who is there is looking to be checked out by the person in the next booth.
- If you like what you see, stick a finger through the gloryhole far enough so that the other person sees it. If you are a married guy and want to tell the other guy you are married, stick your ring finger through. Withdraw it to show him you are ready to receive him. If you want him to use a condom, place it in the hole between you now.
- If the other person wants you to play with him, he will stand up and place his penis through the hole. If he does not, he will not. If he will use the condom you placed in the hole, he will take it now. Sometimes he will just want you to watch him play with himself. Recently, I actually had someone take the rubber, put it in his pocket and leave. Be prepared for anything!
3.2 If you want to be the person who cums:
- Go into a booth; close and lock the door, if possible.
- Drop some money in the video machine.
- Sit if you wish but standing up is the generally accepted indicator that you are not willing to play with anyone else.
- Expose your genitalia and get hard. You will find it more difficult to get someone to play with you if you don't have at least a half-mast hardon.
- Wait for someone to stick their finger through the gloryhole. If someone does not seem interested, err on the side of caution. Not everyone who goes to these places is interested in this. You can get into some real trouble by just shoving your penis through the gloryhole uninvited.
- Put a rubber on now if you want. Place your penis through the hole. Some guys will just play with you; others will suck you; a few will want you to penetrate them anally.
3.3 If you want to take turns:
If you stop playing with someone before they cum, and stand up with yourself exposed and hard, that is a general signal that you would like to take turns. That is, it's now time for him to withdraw his penis and allow you to place your penis through the gloryhole so he can play with you. Your best opportunity to make this happen is to find someone who is sitting down (looking to play with someone) and is willing to play with you (responds when you stick your finger through the gloryhole).
This will result in one of two things happening -- the other person will either oblige or refuse. The typical refusal is shown by the person sticking his penis back through the gloryhole or by leaving and looking for someone else.
On occasion, the person being played with will want to help you cum. He will signal this by withdrawing his penis from the gloryhole (usually before he cums) and putting his finger through the hole. If you want to be played with, place your penis through the hole. If you are not ready to be played with, stick your finger back through the hole after he does. Negotiate from there.
There have been many occasions that I have refused to take turns and just wanted to make the guy cum. For example, if I want to go through a few guys that evening before I cum, I won't let the first guy play with me and risk cumming too early. I think some guys take it as a rejection and it is not meant that way.
3.4 If you want to have anal sex:
Follow the same procedure as above, except place your anus as close to the gloryhole as possible. When the person on the other side sees this, he will attempt to penetrate you through the gloryhole. You should shortly begin to feel him pressing his penis or finger up against your anus (or nearby). Guide his penis or finger to where you want it to be.
Please note: if the other person is not at least 6+ inches long, this is a pretty difficult position and penetration may be impossible. You may have to settle for his finger. I do not recommend this activity if this is your first attempt at receiving anal sex. Invariably, you will find it difficult to relax the correct muscles without practice and may wind up getting hurt.
3.5 If you want someone to follow you into a booth:
Not every adult bookstore or theatre has buddy booths; but some still tolerate people sharing booths discreetly. You need a separate protocol for that.
The clearest indicator that you want someone to follow you into a stall or video booth is eye contact. As you go into the booth, make direct and steady eye contact for a few seconds with your intended interest. If he returns the stare, go into the booth and leave the door unlocked. If he is also interested, he will open your door shortly. Usually if he is not interested, he will break any glance in your direction the second your eyes meet his.
He should enter your booth immediately...if he just opens the door and stares, reach out and close the door, he was not interested. He just wanted a quick look. If he gets in the booth, expose yourself immediately. If he exposes himself also, you are ready.
3.6 If you want to have sex with someone in a public bathroom stall:
Another favorite place to find gloryholes is a public bathroom stall. Any public toilet might have a gloryhole. Good bets are highway rest areas, truckstops, college campus toilets, especially the library, and shopping malls. The protocol is very simple.
If you want to play with someone and you locate a stall with a gloryhole, close the stall door and wait around to see who comes along. It really is that simple. It can also take some time to find a mutually interested party sitting in the adjoining stall.
Of course some guys forgo the gloryhole and improvise. For this I suggest you go to a stall at the farthest end of the bathroom. Close the door, pull your pants down and wait. When someone comes into the next stall, move your foot so that you know the other person can see it and slowly start tapping it. If the other person wants to be played with, they will kneel down and place their penis under the stall wall. They might decide to join you in your stall, something that can be risky. In such cases if you have a large bag or something else that could be placed in such a way to prevent others from seeing 4 legs in the stall, it is recommended that you do so.
3.7 What if the sex happens at a private gloryhole?
In most instances, this private gloryhole will be in someone's home so you should follow the same protocal you would when visiting anyone. Be courteous and respectful. Don't do anything that might cause suspicion for neighbors and never arrive unannounced unless you've been told doing so is OK.
While this is not a firm rule, usually when a person invites you to their private gloryhole you can expect to be the top and the person hosting will be passive.
Safe takes three definitions: physical, legal, health.
I have never heard or read of anyone getting hurt while using a gloryhole. Most things I have heard are urban legends -- the old "friend of a friend of a friend" who had his penis cut off by a gay basher. The risk at a private location is the same as it would be anytime you invite a stranger into your home.
One precaution: you should lock the door behind you when you enter a video booth. I say that because there are guys that wait until they think you are exposed and doing something then fling your door open.
Using a gloryhole can be legal, but this depends on where the hole is located. In a private home or apartment you should be completely legal as long as the neighbors can't see from the outside. On the other hand using a public gloryhole is at the very least frowned upon and in some places, illegal. Below are legal issues you should ponder. Note that the validity of this information varies by state in the United States.
- Sex in an adult bookstore is NOT a private place. By law, it is usually considered a public place.
- Sex in a car is NOT a private place. By law, it is usually considered a public place.
- Sex in an adult theatre is NOT a private place. By law, it is usually considered a public place.
- Sex in a public bathroom or tearoom is NOT a private place. By law, it is usually considered a public place.
- Touching someone sexually in a public place, even if they invite you to touch them, can get you arrested. This is not entrapment - even if it was a police officer that invited you to touch him or her.
- Exposing yourself in a public place, even if someone asked you to expose yourself, can get you arrested. This is not entrapment - even if it was a police officer that invited you to expose yourself.
- Police officers are not required to identify themselves before they arrest you, and, in fact, can lie about their employment. As they start to arrest you, they must identify themselves but all is fair before that.
As a general rule of thumb, the more public the sexual activity, the more risk you take in getting arrested. On the other hand, your risk of getting hurt may increase in a private location.
Anonymous sex, from a health perspective, isn't any more sexually risky than having sex with a buddy. Everyone can lie including a buddy. Just because you don't trade sexual histories with a gloryhole connection doesn't automatically make it extra unsafe.
If you use condoms bring them with you. Public gloryholes often don't have convenient access to condoms or lube. Some places have condoms on sale in the video booth area, but they are rarely bargains. You'll save money if you bring your own.
You might clarify with your gloryhole partner if it is OK to cum in their mouth or ass. A quick question is all it takes. Some people don't want cum in their mouth or ass and it gets really awkward when a guy starts to cum and you don't want it in you.
5.0 So some talking DOES go on between persons using a gloryhole?
Sure. I have heard the following:
"Do you wanna get out of here?"
"Do you wanna go to my place?"
"Do you wanna get a room?"
"I wanna suck you."
"Don't cum in my mouth."
"Is your place free?"
"Show me your ass."
"Show me your chest"
"Are you clean?"And so on.
If you are not familiar with the terminology, the question "Are you clean?" is not referring to your state of cleanliness. Rather, it refers to whether you have a potential to be diseased. If you respond "Yes", it means that as far as you know, you are not going to give the guy a disease or you have limited yourself to partners who also say they are clean. If you say "No", you either know you have some disease or you are not sure if you have some disease or you do not bother to check with the other guy to see if he is "clean". Needless to say, anyone can lie about this so be careful.
6.0 So two or more people CAN share a booth?
Most video booth places frown on this but I have seen it happen. A few places actually encourage it. See 3.5 for info on this protocol.
Again, don't be shy. If he made eye contact with you before going into a booth and it looks safe, check the lock on the door. If he left it open, he wanted you to come in. If he locked it, you were mistaken and should just move on to the next guy.
You can also negotiate this by talking through the gloryhole.
Four points about this:
- The only time I ever came close to getting upset and physical with someone is when I was in the booth together with him. He decided my nipples needing biting. The wall between booths does provide a nice safety barrier.
- If the establishment does not like this and you are caught, you will be bounced out of the store faster than you can possibly imagine. From their viewpoint, two guys in one booth make less money than two guys in two booths. See Section 14.0 for tips on how you can tell if a place condones activity on the premises.
- Keep a fast hand on your door. If someone beats your intended sex interest to the door, just reach out and close the door after he opens it. It helps to keep your pants up until you're both settled in the booth.
- Be prepared for the occasional guy who just wants to jerk off together. He will not want you to touch him. This happens a lot with married guys who want to come close to having sex but do not want to officially cheat on their wives.
7.0 Will the person on the other side reciprocate after he cums?
In general, the guy on the other side will usually pull up his pants and leave after he cums. He has finished what he came there for. Usually, the person who visits a private gloryhole should not expect the other guy, your host, to cum. Most men who have private gloryholes are all about getting other men off. They probably jackoff later on thinking about all that cum.
8.0 What about the videos in booths?
Most stores have a variety of videos (gay, straight, bi, S&M, B&D, etc.) for you to watch. It is common to be playing with someone in your booth and have them reach over to change the channel. The mission is to get off and there is usually very little sensitivity involved. Don't feel insulted - he's looking for something to help him cum a little faster.
Some adult bookstores have no cover charge. Some charge a small amount ($1-$5). Some insist that you buy a minimum of nonrefundable tokens.
Booths normally take quarters, dollar bills or tokens. The amount of video time you get for that money varies wildly.
Almost universally, no matter where I have been, patrons of these stores are not allowed to:
- Be in a booth and not have the video running (that is, not spending money)
- Be outside a booth loitering near the booth area (that is, not spending money)
- Be in the parking lot outside the store for a long time (that
is, not spending money).
See a pattern? Spend money and you will generally be left alone. These places have to stay in business and it is no one's God-given right to hang around there for free. It is not a public area - it is a place of business. If you don't have the money, go elsewhere.
Also, if you get into a booth together, it is generally accepted that both people put money into the slots.
Money, condoms and lube are some necessities you
may need. Tissues to
tidy up afterwards. It is discourteous to cum on the middle of
the booth floor and leave without cleaning up.
If you have to let cum fly, please do it into a wastebasket (most
places provide these in the booth) or in a corner at the very
least. And don't cum on the chair or seat! You'll understand why
the first time you enter a booth and sit down into a puddle of
11.0 What types of people use gloryholes?
All types -- good-looking, ugly, fat, thin, clean,
smelly, young, old, bald, hairy, effeminate, muscular, leather,
jocks, courteous, rude, hung like a horse, hung like a hamster,
first-timers, severely infected and the list just goes on.
Mostly single guys, but I have seen married guys use them
as well. I have also caught at least one guy who claims he was
married but I know he is not.
Some men take the position that all is fair game
at a gloryhole. That is to say, if someone shows up to be serviced
at the gloryhole you are using you should offer to service him.
Others peek in to see what the guy looks like and depending on
what they see, may or may not service the guy.
A question often comes up about overly aggressive guys in bookstores.
These questions normally revolve around this scenario:
A guy that you are not interested in has started pursuing
you - following you from booth to booth and whispering to you,
begging you to do something to him or vice versa. How do you discourage
If ignoring him (no eye contact at all) does not work, my advice
is either:
a) leave the bookstore and come back at a later time or
b) go into a booth with no holes and just spend a few dollars in
there - hoping he will find a new love interest.
There really is not a lot you can do if someone decides to be an
12.0 What if I see somebody I know in one of these places?
It has happened to me three times...twice they were
soliciting me to let them play with me before they knew it was me
on the other side.
In short, anyone you see in an adult bookstore near the video booth
area has as much "explaining" to do as you do. Walk up to them,
call them a pervert with a smile on your face and see how they respond.
If they are ignoring you, ignore them. They want to make believe
they don't know you.
By the way, the third person I knew ignored me and then went in
the booth next to me and played with me! We have never talked about
it since.
13.0 OK, how do I find gloryholes?
Gloryholes come and go all the time and they can be found in the largest cities, rural locales, and, well, just about anywhere. Look for places offering video booths, couples booths or "buddy" booths in gay or alternative newspapers. You can also look at the CRUISING for SEX Sex Listings for bookstores, video booths , theatres, cruisy toilets and other places where gloryholes might be found. Guys with private gloryholes usually place ads at various places online including hookup sites. You can also find them hanging out in chatrooms.
14.0 How can I tell if an adult bookstore tolerates activity in the store?
This is probably the best question I get asked. Remember that the following advice is a guideline -- not a guarantee. The store tolerates activity if:
- You see gloryholes in booths.
- Some or all of the booths are out of the line of sight of the store clerk (watch for cameras though!)
- The doors to the booths are lockable.
- You see people allowed to loiter a short while in the aisles.
- The booths are directly in the line of sight of the store clerk.
- There are no doors on the booths.
- The booths have no lock or latch to stop someone from opening the door.
- People are not allowed to walk around slowly at all. The store clerks will not allow people to linger indefinitely so if you see someone hassled, it is not necessarily a bad sign.
- The clerk actually goes around to check the booths for multiple people. Do not mistake this for the clerk going around banging on doors telling people to drop tokens or money. This happens in every place.
- You see video cameras that show the clerk what activity is happening out of his sight.
The store does not tolerate activity if:
15.0 This all seems so cold and clinical?!
True...very true. But then again, taken in the proper light,
it is a lot of fun.
Almost every guy using a public or private gloryhole has one
goal - it is to cum (which, by the way, is a lot of fun). Each
person has his own standards and what does and does not matter
on the other side of the booth. It is sex at its most basic and
raw form. It is sex with someone you do not know or love. You
will rarely know their name - yet I have had people tell me that
a particular episode in an adult video booth has had a fond lasting
memory for years.
So is there a big difference between what is generally accepted
to go on every night in bars across the world and this? I say, no.
How many adults can say they haven't once slept with someone on
the first or second date? What is the difference between that and
this? Dinner and a movie? 45 minutes of inane chatter? An hour of groping
to see how far you can get?
Most adults will admit to at least one instance in their lives
when they have met someone and shortly after meeting them (within
a few hours at most), they had their tongue halfway down the other
person's throat and was in bed with them shortly after that.
Unlike this WWW page, life is not that black and white. Sex through
gloryholes is different; but not a LOT different.
Enjoy! Be safe and smart.
Editor: Lilfuzzyg is an avid attendee at gloryholes. This information first appeared on America Online and was subsequently destroyed by them. It is now being housed at CRUISING for SEX and has subsequently been revised and updated infrequently.
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